When discussing a local preacher’s role, there are many hats he is required to wear.  Bible scholar, skilled public speaker, confidential counselor, chaplain to the ill, statesman officiant during weddings and funerals, marketing coordinator, interior decorator at times, and office manager are all titles the preacher, at times, claims as his own.  When considering what education the preacher has, a two-year or B.A. in Biblical Studies is hardly sufficient to accomplish all of these goals in a meaningful way.  Often preachers take upon their shoulders roles that they should not, but because of a lack of men willing to take some of the roles on top of their secular work, the preacher carries on.

I am thankful that here at Thomaston Road we have no shortage of devoted Shepherds and Deacons to lift the burden that often falls upon the local preacher.  This job is not just that, it is more.  The preacher doesn’t just work for a living, he is willing to give over his life towards this worth-while endeavor. Many preachers have found they have even sacrificed their roles as husbands and fathers in Christ’s pursuits.  While it is admirable that they love the work of God so much, it is foolishness to neglect their own families for any cause.  One thing that was pressed onto me by one of our elders was “your family is your greatest mission field”.  I have found that to be true and necessary.  The church members may see me only twice a week, but our families see us all of the time.  A congruency must be there from who we present ourselves as during church gatherings, and who we are at home.  If this is not the case, resentment can build and confidence in the preacher’s decisions and role as the head of his family deteriorates.

This life is not easy for any of us, but we have been given instruction and clarification from God’s Word about what is important and valuable uses of our time.  I am thankful that our Heavenly Father understands all of the facets of this life and saw fit to guide us on this journey.  None of us are perfect, or have all of the answers, but when we try to walk in the light as He has called us, we share that blessed fellowship.  He has not left us to our own devices.  He walks within us, and alongside of us every step of the way.

As we travel this road together, let us all do our best while helping those we can along the way.
